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Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Think you might be pregnant? If you’ve had vaginal sex recently, it’s possible that you could be pregnant, even if you used contraception. It’s a good idea to educate yourself on what symptoms are most commonly linked to pregnancy so you know what to look for and can identify quickly when it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

10 Early Signs You
Might be Pregnant

While everyone experiences pregnancy differently, there are some common signs that many women experience early on in their pregnancies. Experiencing (or not experiencing) any of the following symptoms does not confirm or rule out a pregnancy - but it’s a good place to start!

1. A Missed Period

Some women have very regulated menstrual cycles, while others have super irregular periods and have a more difficult time keeping track. Birth control, stress, or a number of other factors could cause you to be late for your period. Having a missed period is also one of the first and most common signs of pregnancy.

2. Nausea

Nausea, or morning sickness, can be as intense as vomiting or as subtle as mild discomfort in the mornings. It is usually most severe during the early stages of pregnancy. Avoiding strong smells or certain foods may help life feel a little more normal.

3. Sore Breasts

Throughout pregnancy, your breasts go through changes, which often first shows up as soreness or tenderness. You might also notice your boobs getting bigger or firmer pretty early on.

4. More Tired
than Normal

From the beginning of pregnancy, your body is working hard to nurture the fetal development that’s happening inside you... even if it seems like not a lot is visibly changing on the outside. Finding yourself more easily exhausted than normal or feeling like you’re tired all of the time is common and can be a sign you might be pregnant.

5. Peeing a Lot!

Having to run to the bathroom more often is a normal symptom and happens because your body actually has more blood during pregnancy. That extra blood is filtered through your kidneys and ends up creating more urine, causing you to need to pee more.

6. Appetite Changes

Appetite changes, out-of-the-blue cravings, or sudden dislikes for food you used to enjoy can be strong symptoms throughout an entire pregnancy. This symptom is usually unpredictable and can change from pregnancy to pregnancy.

7. Moodiness

From very early on, hormones start to change as your body is preparing to bring nutrition to the growing pregnancy. Mood swings at this point are totally normal, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you are feeling down and need to talk to somebody! You’re not alone.

8. Weight Gain/Loss

Pregnancy can subtly affect your weight early on – sometimes in surprising ways. Changing hormones, along with appetite changes, might cause you to notice some bloating, weight gain, or even weight loss.

9. Dizziness & Headaches

Because hormones are changing and blood volume is increasing during early pregnancy, it isn’t uncommon to experience headaches or dizziness. *However, intense weakness, lightheadedness, or fainting may be an indication of internal bleeding. If you are pregnant and experiencing any of these emergency symptoms, seek professional medical help immediately!

10. Mild Cramping

Mild cramping is pretty normal during pregnancy and is usually less intense than typical period cramps. *However, if you experience severe cramps, seek emergency medical help right away, as this could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. It’s important to remember to listen to your body, and never hesitate to go in if you feel that something isn’t right.

Now what?

If you’ve noticed that you’ve been feeling off, it’s probably a good time to get a clinical pregnancy test. When in doubt, get checked out! Contact us at (231)929-3488 or schedule online using the button below. All appointments are free and confidential, with no insurance needed.

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Online Pregnancy Test

Think you might be pregnant, but haven’t taken a test yet? This online quiz will help you figure out if it’s time you should schedule a real, in-person test.

Already got a positive test result?

While a pregnancy test is a great place to start if you suspect you might be pregnant, a pregnancy test alone actually can’t medically confirm whether or not you’re pregnant. If you’ve already had a positive pregnancy test and want to know for sure if you are pregnant, find out how far along you are, and rule out a potential dangerous ectopic (or tubal) pregnancy, a confirmation ultrasound is your best next step. Thrive Medical Clinic offers confidential, early confirmation ultrasounds to figure out if you’re really pregnant and find out what’s going on inside your body concerning your pregnancy. All medical appointments are entirely free and confidential with no insurance needed.

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